STEP 1 | Share
The Purpose of This Page
1. Help you present your summer ministry to your friends and family for prayer support
2. Help you present your financial need and Ironwood’s scholarship fund need to those who may be able to help financially.
Below, you will find a letter for your friends and a letter from our executive director to share with your pastor. Print off and share as many letters as you want! We encourage you to ask your pastor if you could share with your church your summer ministry plans. Also, you will find a link to pledge cards for you to print off and give to your family and friends or church members. On the pledge cards there is a place to pledge prayer support.
Our YouTube Channel and Facebook page do an excellent job of introducing folks to Ironwood and explaining the purpose of camp. Many people think that camp is all about fun; Ironwood sees fun as a tool to provide an opportunity to present spiritual change. Explore the sites and share with others!
Prayer support is critical for your success this summer. For anyone who would like to support you through prayer, send them a link to the Prayer List Form. By filling out that form, they can signup to receive a prayer card in the mail or a weekly email with prayer requests and praises.
Supporters can also donate under your name online through the Scholarship Fund page or mail in a check to camp (see the pledge cards). Since you have qualified for the college tuition scholarship fund, a scholarship is being raised for you by Ironwood. We believe that you know many people who would be thrilled to have a part in your summer ministry.